- 1 Canon EOS DSLR per branch (total of 11)
- For every time you order of one of our scrumptious Small Plates, you'll also get a chance to win a Canon EOS 1000D DSLR plus one day photography lessons with Jo Avila.
- One small plate gets you one raffle coupon.
- One of our waiters will present you with the coupon, which you will then have to fill up with the following information:
a. Name
b. Address
c. Telephone Number
d. Email Address
- Once you've filled up the coupon, just drop it in the drop box you'll find at every one of our branches.
- Promo period is from May 1 to July 15, 2011. We're only giving out one DSLR per branch--a total of 11--so you better come on over and grab a small plate--or several--right now! Drag your friends along while you're at it!