Monday, June 7, 2010

Win over $200 in Noel & Levy's Thanksgiving contest

Hello guys, I have been joining online contests since last year and have won quite a few, such as gifts, GC's from different food establishments, movie passes, hotel stays, and foreign trips.  I have also made my own contest just a few months ago.

People have been stressed with their work, life, and everything else under the sun, even though we smile a lot, I know we keep our problems intact and hope that one day, we may overcome them and see the sun... just would like to share with you my friend's contest hope you do join in lots of prizes to be won.... hope you all join too!!!


And here are her sponsors:

Designer's Depot
Mga Kwentong Maalamat
Hearts content of a Mama
My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf

Pensive Thoughts
Spread the Word!
Pinkville- Pink and Magic Convergence Zone
Make more Money
BHO: Blogurdian Hellsite Overcrashed
Earn Money Online with Red
My Red Hot Reviews
The Adventurous Little Prince
A Woman Remembers
My Journey to Life
All About Life

Anything Baguio
My Random Best
Tricks of Magician
Mom Fashionista
Travel Junkie Mommy
Reviews Inc.
Sexy Blogging
Novice on Blogging
Camera Sexy
At Home Here
Make or Break
Dishes by Pehpot
Lifestyle Magazine for Moms
Bloggityboop- The Magic of Mommyhood
Mommy's Infodose
Kitchen Trips

Llamas Journal - Ad space
Sharing My Thoughts- Ad space
Something to Live By- Ad space
Wonderful World of Peachy- Ad space
Sweet Thoughts and Wonderful Life- Ad space

For more details and prizes of her contest : CLICK HERE
Good luck to you all!!!


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