Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 3 - Korea rained on us

It was day 3 in Seoul, Korea.  We had planned to go to the famous Everland or Lotteworld or both, depending on the time we had alloted.  But as I got up from the bed to look at the morning Seoul skyline.  This was what I saw.
My whole world crumbled, and all I can say was, why did you rain on us. And it didn't show any signs of stopping, our itinerary for this day was ruined.  I did not know how to explain to my wife, that we were gonna be stuck here until lunch, well hoping that the rains would die down.  Definitely, today is a day wasted, but I guess we have to make the most it.  We decided to have our lunch at the restaurant of the hotel, as I have noticed that they were having a promo, and at the same time, we had an Accor membership card which gave us the buy 1-free 1 buffet.

The food at the buffet area was really tempting so we took the buffet.
Salads Galore, started with Cajun chicken Salad
the classic Caesar Salad
Fish fillet salad
Seafood squid salad

Appetizers, of course KIMCHI
Spiced Cucumber
yummy seaweeds
and lots of sushi

This I miss already freshly cooked beefy chunks oh so yummy...

Oh no, this is so sinful...

and I haven't started on the other dishes yet


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