join up guys they're giving away MODU phones, Globe Tatoo Kits and whole lot of prepaid cards!!!!
Contest # 1
1.) Follow @abeolandres and @talk2globe on Twitter.
2.) Post a tweet "Just entered to win a Modu Phone. Quick! Go follow @abeolandres and @talk2globe and retweet: http://bit.ly/6e2q70 #thanks2yugatech"
Contest # 2
1.) Blog about the "Yugatech Great Gadget Giveaway Include the photo I posted here and link to this contest page.
2.) Don't foget to include in your post the mechanics for the Twitter contest above.
3.) Leave a comment here with the URL of your entry.
Contest # 3
Leave a comment on this contest page with the answer to this - "If you're stuck in an island with a phone and have one call left, who would you call and why?