"Hey Mama!" Magnolia Ice Cream Photo Contest
Up for grabs:- 1 Apple Struddle Magnolia ice cream delivered to your doorstep
Post in the Magnolia Ice Cream FB wall your non-photoshopped creative photo with your mom (and you) consuming a Magnolia Ice Cream product (or if you are a mom, with your child/children).
2. Put a photo caption which is your message or greeting for your mother (or if you are a mother, message for your child/children as a mother). Put at the end of the caption "Join this contest as well at http://on.fb.me/MagnoliaHeyMama"
3. The TOP FIVE PHOTOS will receive one Magnolia Ice Cream Limited Edition Apple Struddle Flavor couriered to their valid Philippine address.
Click HERE for more info.
Contest duration is from May 6 - 13, 2011.