Friday, May 29, 2020

Coping with Quarantine


The Pet Food Institute shares tips on how pet owners can help their pets cope with the month-long quarantine

Millions of people across the globe are now being asked to stay home in quarantine to avoid getting sick. People are coming up with novel activities to cope with the stress of being indoors for a month like venturing into crafts and cooking. However, quarantine doesn’t only affect humans, it affects pets too. With dogs and cats being naturally outdoor creatures, being confined within the four walls of their home can be taxing and could possibly lead to agitation or even health issues if they remain stagnant for long periods of time. 

The Pet Food Institute, together with its member brands, educate the Filipino pet community on how they can help their pets cope with being placed under quarantine.  

Bathroom Business
One of the concerns that paw parents are confronting during the quarantine is their pet’s toilet business. Owners with enclosed yards do not need to worry because they can easily let furry pals out like they normally do. However, pet owners who live in condominiums and apartments who usually take their pets out for some potty time will have to come up with a different approach in addressing this issue.  

The best way to train pets to go potty within their home is to set a sense of normalcy. Pet owners can grab their pet’s leash, a bag or a pooper scooper, and walk around their apartment like they normally would; this allows pets to think that not much had changed and that they are simply going out to relieve themselves. To maintain cleanliness, pet owners must designate a specific area of the room where their pets can go and relieve themselves. These areas can be covered in newspapers, pee pads, or even fake grass to maintain cleanliness and avoid pets from acquiring illnesses such as leptospirosis and other serious health issues. 

Keeping Fit and Healthy
Much like humans, health & fitness is part and parcel of a pet’s overall wellbeing. Being secluded in your home does not mean that no fun activities should take place while on quarantine – in fact, this allows for the owner and the pet to form a stronger and a more lasting bond. Owners who do daily exercise can tag their furry friends along in their regimen. Hook their pets up in their leash for stationary jogging, or set up an indoor obstacle course for a fun and high-action workout. It’s a back-to-back fitness benefit for both owner and the pet.

Another important aspect in a pet’s overall health is nutrition. Staying indoors the whole time is also an opportunity for owners to pay more attention to their pet’s meal and dietary needs. The foods that pets intake must be scientifically-balanced and be in line with their nutritional requirements. Food supplies for pets should be sufficient to last the whole duration of the quarantine. Otherwise, if the food is running short, owners can look into buying from online stores such as Pet Warehouse, that accepts orders and delivers them door-to-door.  

Above all else, owners must also observe proper hygiene and cleanliness for them and for their pets to keep viruses at bay. Grooming is a vital aspect to the pet’s overall health and wellness so owners should make sure that their furry friends get their regular baths. 

Support System
A long period of isolation can cause dogs and cats stress and depression. If pets show any signs of lethargy, loss of appetite, or listlessness it might be because they are depressed. Pet owners must also watch out for any signs of aggressiveness or being destructive because these might be indications that their pets are anxious. 

During this difficult time, pet owners are encouraged to spend time with their pets and enjoy each other’s company to ensure their pet’s mental well being.

Pet Food Institute (PFI) is committed in educating pet owners about responsible pet ownership to keep pets healthy and happy. Through its local initiative, Well-Fed, Well-Nurtured campaign in partnership with the Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines (VPAP), PFI seeks to advocate responsible pet ownership to the ever-growing Filipino pet community.

About the Pet Food Institute 
Since 1958, the Pet Food Institute has been the voice of the U.S. pet food industry. PFI is the industry's representative before Congress and state legislatures, as well as state and federal agencies; public education and media relations resource; organizer of seminars and educational programs; and liaison with other organizations. PFI represents the companies that make 98 percent of U.S. dog and cat food, an industry with more than $20 billion in U.S. retail sales and $1.3 billion in exports in 2015.

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