Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Pack Light but Pack Right

Source: Pexels.com

Pet Food Institute shares a list of things to bring as pet owners travel with their pets

Thousands of pet owners now consider their furry companions as family and would often bring them along when they go on vacation. Veterinarians remind owners that leaving their homes and traveling to foreign places can be overwhelming and stressful to pets; these animals therefore have a tendency to avoid eating, become lethargic, and even run away from their owners. To avoid these instances, owners must remember to bring their pets’ essentials in order to make the journey fun and enjoyable for their beloved pets. 

The Pet Food Institute (PFI), together with its members from pet food and treat manufacturers, reinforces its commitment to educate the Filipino pet community about nutrition and proper pet care as they share a list of essential things pet owners must bring as they travel with their pets this summer. 

Every pet owner wishes nothing more than to see their pets happy and healthy. To ensure that their pets achieve this even while they’re on vacation, they must never forget to pack their pet’s food, as well as their pet’s bowls. When traveling, owners must keep their pet’s food in a sealed container and off the floor to avoid ants, cockroaches, and mice from contaminating the food.

Several owners are hyped up on the idea of exploring the city with their pets that they often forget to bring their pet’s leash or crate. Pets are often overwhelmed when they are introduced to a foreign environment and may run away from their owners. In order to prevent this, it is important for owners to always keep their pet on a leash and a collar. 

Much like humans, pets also need their documents when they travel. While traveling, these four-legged companions may get lost due to their unfamiliarity of the surrounding areas hence identification is important when they travel. Pets should always wear a collar that includes identification with the owner’s contact information. Doing this, increases the chances that their beloved pets would be returned to them if they do run away. 

Another important document that owners must carry would be their pet’s medical records. Pet parents must have this with them as they travel just in case their pet would need to seek the help of a veterinarian.

Cooped up in a small confined space for hours may be stressful to some pets. A handful of dogs and cats might take a nap as they travel however there are several pets who might show signs of discomfort and become restless. In order to get rid of their pet’s boredom, owners are must to bring with them a handful of toys to entertain their furry companions while they are on the road. If playing with them is not an option, toys can greatly help their pets cope with the with boredom. 

PFI is committed in informing pet owners about pet nutrition and proper pet care to keep pets healthy and happy. Through its local initiative, Well-Fed, Well-Nurtured campaign in partnership with the Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines (VPAP), PFI seeks to advocate responsible pet ownership to the ever-growing Filipino pet community.

About the Pet Food Institute 
Since 1958, the Pet Food Institute has been the voice of the U.S. pet food industry. PFI is the industry's representative before Congress and state legislatures, as well as state and federal agencies; public education and media relations resource; organizer of seminars and educational programs; and liaison with other organizations. PFI represents the companies that make 98 percent of U.S. dog and cat food, an industry with more than $20 billion in U.S. retail sales and $1.3 billion in exports in 2015.

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