Sunday, December 30, 2018

Triathletes of all ages dominate MediCard Sprint Triathlon 2018

(far left) Medicard president Dr. Nicky Montoya and (far right) COO Atty. Jon Montoya with winners of male category aged 30-34, Paul Henry Tambasen in first place, Rolando Alquero in second place, and PJ Tan in third place
Beginner and seasoned triathletes prevailed over the first-ever MediCard Sprint Triathlon at Fontana Leisure Park in Clark, Pampanga with teenager Adrian Thomas Dionisio (male category aged 15-17) clinching the top spot at 1:07:46 and Julie Somoso (female category aged 50 and above) leading her age group  at 1:59:28.

The triathlon included a 600-m swim, 20-km bike, and 5-km run course. Athletes took several laps in the Olympic-sized pool and went on to a one-loop bike course around the Clark grounds, and to a single-loop run on the resort. It also featured a relay category for family, friends, or teammates.
“This is one of the best ways to encourage everyone – from little kids to adults, even the more senior ones – to exercise and move,” said MediCard president Nicky Montoya.

Ian Banzon of Sante Barley (F, 30-34)  reached the finish line at 1:19:53 while Gianmarco Anton Sibayan (M, 25-29) clocked in at 1:11:38, followed by Pierce Tan (M, 18-24) at 1:11:49.  Ma. Lourdes Cabero (F, 35-39) finished the course to claim second-fastest female spot at 1:29:51, whereas Alfie Yu (F, 40-44) finished third.

Among the top 10 male finish times were the performances of older age group champions Levy Ang (45-49), clocking in at 1:15:31, and Rune Stroem (55-59) with 1:16:39.

Other age-group female champions in the MediCard Sprint Tri were Therese Malapad (15-17), Isabel Parco (18-24), Alessandra Castaneda (25-29), and Ymelle Reyes (45-49). Male champions include Angelo Leaño (35-39), Brett Petrillo (40-44), Jerry Santos (50-54), and Chicho Mantaring (60 and above).

Champions in the relay category were Team Fuego (all-female), Team Pukers (all-male, mixed), and Team ActiveHealth (family). 

MediCard is a leading health maintenance organization (HMO) in the country dedicated to providing accessible healthcare to Filipinos.  Visit or call (02) 884-9999 for your healthcare needs.

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