Saturday, September 23, 2017

You Have Been Warned Asia: Filipino Talents Unfold The Science Behind The World’s Most Viral Videos

The world’s craziest viral videos have arrived in Asia with You Have Been Warned Asia (YHWBA) on Discovery Channel. The show premiered last August 21 and will run until November this year.
Fronted by science enthusiasts, Ramon Bautista, aka “Internet Action Star,” writer-director RA Rivera, actor and comedic performer Jun Sabayton, author and social commentator Lourd De Veyra and journalist Angel Rivero, YHBWA deconstructs the science behind these experiments and tells us exactly why it shouldn’t be tried at home because you have been warned!

More than our funny antics, we are able to provide relevant information that we believe is worth sharing to our viewers. We aim to roll public safety and entertainment into one with the facts and concepts we share to the audience. Each video is broken down to showcase that there is logic and science behind every clip,” Bautista shared.
Every episode is a themed countdown of the world’s top 13 viral videos. The panel goes through the countdown, showing mind-blowing clips, describing the science behind them, and adding witty commentary with their own blend of humor.Viewers can expect tolaugh, learn, and cringe at the incredible and reckless things the human mind and spirit are capable of.
Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific is now taking the lead and investing in more local content than ever. They aim to broaden and deepen the connection with its audiences across Southeast Asia.
“It’s great that we have You Have Been Warned Asia on Discovery Channel – localized and relatable for most Filipinos, and we believe that we have a show that everyone will want to watch and enjoy with the family,” Discovery Southeast Asia’s Director of Content Curation, Rohit Tharani said in a statement.
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