Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How To Make It The Best Mother’s Day Ever

Mothers are the sunshine of our lives. Where would we be without the woman who has watched us grow, seen us cry, and helped us become the people we are today? Our mothers have seen the best and the worst of us and yet love us all the same. And while we should celebrate our mothers 365 days a year, we have to make her feel extra special on a day dedicated just for her – Mother’s Day.

There are many ways to thank our mother on her special day; however, we sometimes feel that we’ve already done it all from the cards we made for her when we were younger to the fancy bag we gave her when we had our first job.

Truth is, there are still ways to wow our queen. Read on to find out the ways to make it an extremely happy day for her.

Make a special healthy basket just for her

We want our moms to live long and full lives, so why not start by gifting her with a basket of healthy goodies? Keep her fueled and ready for a day of tasks with the drink of champions, Summit Natural Drinking Water. Give her an alternative snack with Creamy Delight Yogurt to satisfy not just her hunger but also her taste buds. 

Fill it with power drinks like Cobra Energy Drink and Nestea in a Bottle for those days when she needs an extra jolt or Absolute Pure Distilled Drinking Water to refresh her on a hot day. And for those days where she just want to indulge, make sure to also fill her basket with Blue Bell Ice Cream’s signature flavors like Red Velvet and Chocolate Chip.

Treat your parents to a different kind of dinner

Your parents must be tired of staying in all the time. Give them an exciting dinner with a twist by letting them try Krazy Garlik’s latest menu with 14 new dishes that would surely give them an aphrodisiac like no other.

Gift her feet with comfort and style

Without a doubt, mothers spend a good part of their days standing up. Reward her feet by gifting her with the latest from Crocs and Butterfly Twists. The latest Crocs technology, Fit2U, is introduced in their latest Stretch Sole Line. It is designed to fit her active lifestyle without the pain.

For lunch meetings, or even dinners with her friends, gift your mother with the latest Sienna line from Butterfly Twists. Its elegant design is sure to add that little oomph that her daily style needs.

With these tips, you would surely make it a Mother’s Day like no other. 

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