Monday, November 4, 2013

Celebrate the Good times with SMB! #HappyClick and Win!
Join up, Have a good time and Win with SMB!

Everybody loves to have a good time!  Who doesn't right?  What if I tell you that other than having a good time with family, friends and your favorite beer, you also can get a chance to win great prizes just by posting your picture and sharing it for the whole world to see.

Yes it's so simple, you can join via Instagram, and be part of the Click.  Join up and Win.

Get to win SMB products, restaurant GC's and even travel accessories plus more, more more!

There are 3 themes for you to check out and to join! 
  • You and your Beer
  • You, your friends and Beer
  • Just your Beer
Show your creativity and make the best photo ever!

How to Join:

A.    Those qualified and interested to join must search and follow the directions for joining located in the SMB 7,107 Celebrations Fan page (

B.    Inside the “SMB Keep Clicking application” (hereon to be referred to as “app”), a qualified and interested person (the “Participant”) will be required first to “LIKE” the SMB 7,107 Celebrations Fan page ( SMB7107Celebrations). If a Participant has already previously liked the SMB 7,107 Celebrations Fan page, he/she will no longer be required to “LIKE” the SMB 7,107 Celebrations Fan page ( SMB7107Celebrations)

C.   The Participant shall then have to register the following information and read and agree to abide by the full mechanics of SMB Keep Clicking  (the “Promotion”) before he/she  will be allowed to join:
1.  Title
2.  Name (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name)
3.  Email (by default, Facebook email)
4.  Birthday
5.  Country
6.  Gender
7.  Do you drink San Miguel Beer?
8.  Where did you learn about SMB 7,107 Celebrations?
9.  I would like to receive updates
10.  I certify that all the information above is true
            Failure to give the correct information shall automatically disqualify the Participant.

D.   To ensure fairness of the raffle process, SMB 7,107 Celebrations will be monitoring the validity of registrants.

How to Participate in the Promotion:

A.    The Participant can join by registering and taking photos based on the theme.
B.    The Participant must log on to Facebook, “Like” the SMB 7,107 Celebrations Fan Page (, and register their details.
C.   They must allow the app to get their Facebook Details in order to proceed with the application.
D.   Participants can submit their photos pertaining to the theme using the following platforms:
a.    Via Instagram (hashtag)
b.    Via file upload
c.    Via webcam

If you’re using Instagram, don’t forget this month’s hashtag #SMB7107 #HappyClick

E.    Participants can submit their photos via Instagram in the following steps:
a.    The Participant must tag their photo submission using the designated hashtag for the theme.
b.    His/her Instagram account must also be set to Public setting.
c.    Upon selecting the Instagram option on the Facebook App, the Participant will be prompted to log-in his/her Instagram account.
d.    After logging in, the Participant will see all the entries he/she has submitted using the designated hashtag.
e.    The Participant will choose the photo to submit from the gallery.

F.    Participants can submit their photos via file upload in the following steps:
a.    Upon selecting the File Upload option on the Facebook App, the Participant will select the photo from his/her files to submit.
b.    Photos must be a maximum of 3MB in size; the Facebook App will not accept photos larger than this size.
c.    Participant can adjust the photo submitted using the functions provided on the Facebook App (i.e. rotate, zoom in/out).

G.   Participants can submit their photos via webcam in the following steps:
a.    To select this option, the Participant must have a webcam on their device and must give the Facebook App permission to use this.
b.    Upon selecting the Webcam option on the Facebook App, the Participant will proceed to take a photo.
c.    Participant can adjust the photo submitted using the functions provided on the Facebook App (i.e. rotate, zoom in/out).
H.   The prizes that may be won per theme can be any of the following: SMB products, Restaurant Gift Certificates, Travel Accessories, etc.

I.      All valid users who have registered are eligible to be part of the digital raffles.

No nudity, offensive or provocative poses and indecent images allowed, as well as images wherein you are drinking SMB will also not be permitted.

Have you submitted your entry yet?  Then what are you waiting for, CLICK HERE to join and submit your entry.

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