1. "LIKE" the Magnolia Ice Cream Facebook http://on.fb.me/MagnoliaIceCream page to qualify and to comment.
2. Post in our wall your non-photoshopped creative photo of a person holding a written message "I Love Magnolia Ice Cream!" This could be an artwork or simply written on a bond paper (up to you). Just make sure that the message is clearly seen in the photo.
3. Put this caption for the photo that you should complete: "I Love Magnolia Ice Cream because___________________"
4. Register your Name, FB Profile, and email address at this link: https://spreadsheets.google.com/
5. The TOP THREE PHOTOS with the most number of UNIQUE COMMENTS by 11:59pm February 18, 2011 will receive via courier Magnolia Ice Cream Gift Certificates that they can redeem in any Robinson's Supermarkets nationwide.
Contest Duration: Feb 11 – Feb 18 , 2011
** only 1 entry per FB profile